[coming soon…]

Directed by: Jason Chaet
Multi Award winning Feature Film, now on HBOmax!

Directed by: Lisbon Okafor
[2nd Unit DP: all St. Lucia]

Directed by: Brendan Choisnet

Directed by: Merete Mueller
for the National Museum of Women in the Arts
[Washington, DC]

Directed by: Elan Bogarin & Jonathan Bogarin

Directed by: Bruna Lacerda
music video for The Resistance Revival Chorus for their new album, This Joy.

Directed by: Michelle Cameron
music video for artist Meah Pace with The Resistance Revival Chorus

Directed by: Bruna Lacerda
music video for artist Taquirah Thompson

Directed by: Elan Bograin + Troy Heron
music video for artist Michael Mizrahi

Directed by: Eli Heiten
with Shonda Rhimes & Cathleen Meredith,
for Dove Real Beauty

Directed by: Brendan Choisnet
for Penguin Books

Directed by: Bruna Lacerda
music video for artist Taquirah Thompson

Drone Aerials shot by Meg Kettell

Directed by: Suzanne Bocanegra, starring Lili Taylor
[coming soon…]

Artist installation by Susan Silas, Wyoming
[coming soon… ]

for Sony Pro’s FX9 Camera

Directed by: Tamar Glezerman
for Planned Parenthood

Helicopter Aerials shot by Meg Kettell

World Premiere at Tribeca Film Festival & 50+ other festivals worldwide
Directed by: Suha Araj

BTS for Sony Pro’s release of the Sony FX9 camera [on location in Colorado]

Directed by: Mitch Gerbus
for Wanderlust TV

Directed by: Nilou Safinya

Art installation by artist Susan Silas

Directed by: Suzanne Bocanegra, starring Shara Nova
Art show installation for “Poorly Watched Girls” at FWM

Directed by: Keith Adams
[2nd Unit DP]

![Sony FX9 [Behind-the-Scenes]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/548a0561e4b02da9d6a5df37/1709859988976-1H8LBX8LBWUWDQRFQ8IN/image-asset.jpeg)

[coming soon…]
Directed by: Jason Chaet
Multi Award winning Feature Film, now on HBOmax!
Directed by: Lisbon Okafor
[2nd Unit DP: all St. Lucia]
Directed by: Brendan Choisnet
Directed by: Merete Mueller
for the National Museum of Women in the Arts
[Washington, DC]
Directed by: Elan Bogarin & Jonathan Bogarin
Directed by: Bruna Lacerda
music video for The Resistance Revival Chorus for their new album, This Joy.
Directed by: Michelle Cameron
music video for artist Meah Pace with The Resistance Revival Chorus
Directed by: Bruna Lacerda
music video for artist Taquirah Thompson
Directed by: Elan Bograin + Troy Heron
music video for artist Michael Mizrahi
Directed by: Eli Heiten
with Shonda Rhimes & Cathleen Meredith,
for Dove Real Beauty
Directed by: Brendan Choisnet
for Penguin Books
Directed by: Bruna Lacerda
music video for artist Taquirah Thompson
Drone Aerials shot by Meg Kettell
Directed by: Suzanne Bocanegra, starring Lili Taylor
[coming soon…]
Artist installation by Susan Silas, Wyoming
[coming soon… ]
for Sony Pro’s FX9 Camera
Directed by: Tamar Glezerman
for Planned Parenthood
Helicopter Aerials shot by Meg Kettell
World Premiere at Tribeca Film Festival & 50+ other festivals worldwide
Directed by: Suha Araj
BTS for Sony Pro’s release of the Sony FX9 camera [on location in Colorado]
Directed by: Mitch Gerbus
for Wanderlust TV
Directed by: Nilou Safinya
Art installation by artist Susan Silas
Directed by: Suzanne Bocanegra, starring Shara Nova
Art show installation for “Poorly Watched Girls” at FWM
Directed by: Keith Adams
[2nd Unit DP]